Care Notebook

Family Voices of Alabama developed a Care Notebook through its Family-to-Family Health Information Center project. It provides a framework with easily fillable forms for creating your own Care Notebook. Go to download page.


Transition to Adult Health Care Guide

Request a printed copy of the "Transition to Adult Health Care Guide" developed in April 2012 at

or download a copy and print your own

Transition to Adult Health Care Guide (english)
Guía de Transición hacia la Atención Médica Adulta (español)

Tip Sheet - Preparing for Health Care Transitions


Tip Sheets

Open and read or download the tip sheets below. All are in pdf format and require the free Adobe Acrobat plug in. If you have a problem with the file, read the notes below.


10 tips for going BACK TO SCHOOL (english)
10 consejos para ir DE VUELTA A LA ESCUELA (español)

Finding a Medical Home (english)
Encontrando un Hogar Médico

Preparing for Health Care Transitions (english)

What is a Care Map? (english)
¿Qué es un Mapa de Cuidados? (español)

What is Parent to Parent? (english)

Choosing Your Health Insurance (english)
Eligiendo su Seguro de Salud (español)

Reviewing your Health Insurance (english)
Revisando su Seguro de Salud (español)

General Resources for Parents (english)
Recursos generales para Padres (español)

Questions for a New Health Provider (english)
Centro de información sobre salud de familia a familiar (español)

Tips on Telehealth

Tips for a Successful Telehealth Visit

Telehealth Worksheet

More Tips

Preparing for a Hospital Visit

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) and You - How Alabama's Health Insurance Market Place Will Work

What Providers Need to Know About the Health Insurance Market Place

From the Heart - project update

Website Flyer

General Health Care Tips

Children and Youth with Special Health Care needs and the Flu

Family-to-Family Health Information Center Data Sheet

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Forms & Manuals

In the pages referenced below, we have tried to compile useful forms and valuable information and guides. We have the divided information into the following categories.

Emergency Preparedness
- Healthcare Preparedness
- Evacuation Preparedness

Coping with Medical Debt
- Your Medical Bills: A Consumer’s Guide to Coping with Medical Debt

Personal Care Attendant Handbook
- Personal Care Attendant Services, a Handbook for Accessing and Using Personal Care Attendant Services

Respite Care
- Special Connection - Families Giving Families A Break - Our Family Notebook for Respite

Youth Transition Planning
- Transition Planning Workbook
- Full Life Ahead, A Workbook and Guide to Adult Life for Students with disAbilities and Their Families

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* You will need the free Adobe Reader software to open these files. If you do not have it, get more information on our software page.

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