Family Voices of Alabama has been awarded a grant from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau to increase our services to the families in Alabama by establishing a Family-to-Family Health Information Center (F2F HIC).
F2F HICs were established in all States and the District of Columbia by the Family Opportunity Act / Deficit Reduction Act of 2005. The Affordable Care Act of 2010 extended the F2F HIC Program through fiscal year 2012 and beyond. The Kaiser Family Foundation,, offers explanations of this law, analysis of policy issues in implementation, and quick and easy access to data, and a short movie, “Health Reform Hits Main Street,” is an animated short movie that clearly explains the health reform law.
F2F HICs are family-led organizations that help families of Children/Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) and the professionals who serve them. Because the health care needs of CYSHCN are chronic and complex, parents and caregivers are often challenged with finding the resources to provide and finance health care for their children.
Our F2F HIC is staffed by three parents who each have children/youth with special health needs. As parents, they have traveled through the maze of services and programs designed to help CYSHCN, so they understand the issues that families face. They will provide advice, offer a multitude of resources, and tap into a network of other families and professionals for support and information. Family Voices, through the National Center for Family / Professional Partnerships, provides technical assistance, training, and connections to other F2F HICs and partnering organizations.
Through this grant, Family Voices of Alabama will:
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